Veterinary Services

Pet Wellness Care
in Muncie, IN

At Riverview Animal Hospital, yearly wellness visits are essential to your pet’s happiness and health. Preventive care is vital for the well-being of your pet. We advise having wellness checks, adhering to a vaccination schedule for your pets, and coordinating all aspects of wellness care with us.

dog resting on counter stand

Your pet will receive a thorough physical examination during the annual checkup, and your veterinarian will go over vaccinations and general health. It’s crucial that your pet has health exams just as you do with your doctor. Our staff will thoroughly inspect your pet, from head to tail, during these appointments.


Small amounts of altered or “dead” viruses, bacteria, or other disease-causing organisms are present in vaccines. When given, they encourage your pet’s immune system to develop antibodies and disease-fighting cells that can defend against such illnesses. During the wellness examination, we will suggest vaccination schedules based on your pet’s age, breed, and species.